import argparse import os import shlex import unittest
from gooey.gui import formatters
class TestFormatters(unittest.TestCase):
def test_counter_formatter(self): """
Should return the first option repeated N times None if N is unspecified
Issue #316 - using long-form argument caused formatter to produce incorrect output """
expected_outputs = [ (['-v', '--verbose'], '-v', 1), (['-v', '--verbose'], '-v -v', 2), (['-v', '--verbose'], '-v -v -v', 3), (['-v', '--verbose'], '', 0), # ensuring that log-forms are handled correctly (['--verbose', '-v'], '--verbose', 1), (['--verbose', '-v'], '--verbose --verbose', 2), (['--verbose', '-v'], '--verbose --verbose --verbose', 3), # single args (['-v'], '-v', 1), (['-v'], '-v -v', 2), (['--verbose'], '--verbose', 1), # bad inputs (['-v'], None, None), (['-v'], None, 'some-garbage'), (['-v'], None, 'af3gd'), ]
for commands, expected, vebosity_level in expected_outputs: result = formatters.counter({'commands': commands}, vebosity_level) self.assertEqual(result, expected) # make sure that argparse actually accepts it as valid. if result: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count') parser.parse_args(result.split())
def test_multifilechooser_formatter(self): """
Should return files (quoted), separated by spaces if there is more than one, preceded by optional command if the argument is optional.
Assumes the argument has been created with some form of nargs, which only makes sense for possibly choosing multiple values. """
# Helper function to generalize the variants we need to test def multifilechooser_helper(names): # Note that the MultiFileChooser widget produces a single string with # paths separated by os.pathsep. if names: prefix = names[0] + ' ' else: prefix = ''
expected_outputs = [ (names, None, ''), (names, prefix + '"abc"', 'abc'), (names, prefix + '"abc" "def"', os.pathsep.join(['abc', 'def'])), # paths with spaces (names, prefix + '"a b c"', 'a b c'), (names, prefix + '"a b c" "d e f"', os.pathsep.join(['a b c', 'd e f'])), ]
for commands, expected, widget_result in expected_outputs: result = formatters.multiFileChooser({'commands': commands}, widget_result) self.assertEqual(result, expected) # make sure that argparse actually accepts it as valid. if result: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() if not names: names = ["file"] parser.add_argument(names[0], nargs='+') parser.parse_args(shlex.split(result))
# Positional argument, with nargs multifilechooser_helper([])
# Optional argument, with nargs multifilechooser_helper(["-f", "--file"])